Today a conversation with my friend Myscha sparked a realization in me that there are times when the best thing we can offer another is a part of ourself. Simply to be there in that moment and offer a part of ourself that will support and nurture the other in their challenge and need is the best gift we can offer.

Maybe it’s sharing a cup of tea and having a chat.
Possibly it’s a bike ride through the park together enjoying the unexpected sights of nature.
Maybe a part of yourself is best shared in giving a sensual massage that allows the other to forget the world’s challenges.
Maybe it is the hug you offer after a long day.
Whatever it is, as long as it’s a part of your authentic self it will be treasured.

Photo Credit: Flickr Johnny Pearl

473303144_ecc3bf6b4f_m.jpgI haven’t written much lately on my blog and I apologize for those of you who follow it and gleen support and encouragement toward your own healing. A few weeks ago I met the most wonderful man and between moving houses which had begun before I met him and dating, my life has been on fast forward filled with absolute joy and fun. It is truly amazing how life unfolds and the absolute synchronicity of how things fall into place just as they should.

I cannot imagine dreaming up a more incredible man than God has brought into my life. His presence in my life is truly a gift. He makes me laugh, brings so much joy to my days and shares such a depth of himself that it is truly beautiful to know him. I love that he has so much integrity, and is so straightforward in his actions and life. Being with him brings me the greatest joy and experiencing the depth of his honesty and emotion allows me to open further to him and allow him to see me and my life more intimately and fully. After some of my past experiences knowing I can trust him feels beautiful for me; I know there is more of me he would like to understand and I am grateful that in that respect he is patient and allows me to open my life and history to him as I feel ready.

I feel blessed and grateful each day. His kindness and love for his family and kids touch me and make me smile. I feel strongly that you can see so much about a man by the way he treats his children and his mother. In that respect and so many others he exceeds what I could ever imagine in a man. His committment to his children and his family is beautiful and makes me appreciate him that much more. The fact that he is sexy, warm and passionate is a further gift to treasure. Thank you Rob for being part of my life. xoxo

Photo credit: Flickr Starlisa


A Walk On The Beach
By Joan Anderson

This is the third book in a series that Joan Anderson has written about her unexpected and unconventional year living alone on Cape Cod. In this book Anderson explores the depth of her friendship and relationship with Joan Erikson; a woman of wisdom and insight whom she meets and befriends during a cold, windy beach walk she takes after being snowed in for nearly a week on the Cape.

This quote from her book, was one I particularly liked and it seemed to characterize what their friendship was about, daily adventures, learning, living and becoming more of their authentic selves.

As far as I’m concerned vital living is all about action and touch. That’s where you find the wisdom-in what you’re doing and feeling. Stepping out on a gray day, immersing oneself in the elements, daring to be different, that’s the way to go.

This book is a delightful read that explores the relationship of two friends who meet when both of their lives are changing and the warm and wonderful experiences they share along the way to creating new lives for themselves.

Sometimes grief is not only from a death. Sometimes grief comes with the loss of a relationship or the realization that a relationship is changing and you’re at a cross roads where you have to determine whether you can heal a relationship or whether it will end. It wont be the same depth of grief, yet it will be a grieving process just the same.

A Year by the Sea

is a thought provoking book about the transformations a woman goes through in her life. Joan and her husband are at a crossroads when they separate with him taking a promotion in a different part of the country and Joan moving into their summer cottage on Cape Cod. The book details the journey of Joan’s life during the year she lives at Cape Cod and the transitions she makes personally and within her relationship with her husband.

I felt this was an excellent autobiography for anyone contemplating their own life transitions or transformations. It was moving, realistic and thought provoking. She has written one or two others since this one.