linnmarrhappysunflower.jpgLife is filled with moments of deep joy. Sometimes though we become frightened and step back, afraid to embrace the depth of our joy. Sometimes through taking the plunge and embracing and feeling all the joy our heart holds brings us a deeper connection with those in our life. Other times our life challenges us bringing pain and those moments are harder to understand. When they come I try to move through them cautiously with the realization that God is watching over my life and that he will support me when I don’t feel supported, so that my heart will begin to feel joyful again.

There is so much good (great actually) in my life. I try to write in “The Secret” Gratitude Journal each day and what I find is that writing in it reminds me more fully of all I have to be grateful for. I have so much joy in my life. Along with that I have a sense of deep purpose in my work and writing and what I will do with the rest of my life. I know that I’m here on this earth to help people heal and knowing that brings me great joy.

Today I encourage each of you to find joyful moments in your own life. Maybe it’s taking a walk with your dog, maybe it’s going for a beach walk, sitting in a dark theatre laughing at a good movie, maybe it’s giving someone you treasure a massage or making a special meal together. Whatever it is in your life that makes your heart sing make time to do it. Embrace your joy; live and create even more joy with a grateful attitude.

Photo Credit Flickr LinnMar

473303144_ecc3bf6b4f_m.jpgI haven’t written much lately on my blog and I apologize for those of you who follow it and gleen support and encouragement toward your own healing. A few weeks ago I met the most wonderful man and between moving houses which had begun before I met him and dating, my life has been on fast forward filled with absolute joy and fun. It is truly amazing how life unfolds and the absolute synchronicity of how things fall into place just as they should.

I cannot imagine dreaming up a more incredible man than God has brought into my life. His presence in my life is truly a gift. He makes me laugh, brings so much joy to my days and shares such a depth of himself that it is truly beautiful to know him. I love that he has so much integrity, and is so straightforward in his actions and life. Being with him brings me the greatest joy and experiencing the depth of his honesty and emotion allows me to open further to him and allow him to see me and my life more intimately and fully. After some of my past experiences knowing I can trust him feels beautiful for me; I know there is more of me he would like to understand and I am grateful that in that respect he is patient and allows me to open my life and history to him as I feel ready.

I feel blessed and grateful each day. His kindness and love for his family and kids touch me and make me smile. I feel strongly that you can see so much about a man by the way he treats his children and his mother. In that respect and so many others he exceeds what I could ever imagine in a man. His committment to his children and his family is beautiful and makes me appreciate him that much more. The fact that he is sexy, warm and passionate is a further gift to treasure. Thank you Rob for being part of my life. xoxo

Photo credit: Flickr Starlisa