Sometimes our lives become way laid by responsibilities and the challenges we face. For the last few days I have been dealing with personal challenges of my own. Which I will discuss further on a future date. For today I just want to say that this week has been a real reminder to me to always focus my life on what I love.

Fortunately for me I’ve found ways to do that. These days I focus my energies on my book, getting my new website up and ready to go, writing on this blog and learning how to live a simplier life near the beach again.

It isn’t easy and lately it has been damn hard and scary. But if I can take anything from this week that feels good it is the fact that I am doing what I love and I love the life I am creating for myself. I believe in what I’m doing, what I’m creating and that gives me so much joy and pleasure.

So for those of you out there, trying to figure out how to create the life you love, amid a job that stifles you, or a relationship that challenges you beyond what you ever dreamed, take heart. Take small steps; small steps lead down the same path of success I am walking, and small steps mean you are less likely to fall on your ass and make stupid mistakes. How do I know this? The voice of experience I can assure you…laughter.

There are times to take big leaps. I know I have made them. Accepting a job, sight unseen on the island of Guam. It was the BEST decision I ever made and I spent three amazing years there. Ditto for giving up a great job on Guam and heading for Hawaii. That one was dicey for a bit. I worked two jobs for a while until I found a full time job in my career field of the time…education. It did work, but it was rough for the first four months or so. That is why I say; take some small steps and get your balance and then when you feel really confident, leap into it.

It has always paid off for me. Doing what I love has brought me jobs where I found adventure, new friends, new cultures to explore and eye opening experiences that forever changed me. So this week while I face my own challenges I’m reminded that I’m leading the life I love. I take joy from what I do and what I believe in and besides family and relationships what could be better than that?

Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is recognize that we need to slow down, take care of ourselves and step away from the insanity. I have been feeling really in need of a good rest lately. I’m certain this is due to months of showing my house, living in a house that must always be in pristine show order, writing and editing a book, writing for two websites and trying to sort, box and divest myself of a certain amount of belongings. This is certainly enough to make anyone desire a good rest.

A Wonderful Memory of My Day at Maui Hyatt Spa
Photo credit Lisa Overman

So what does this writer do for herself when life becomes too much?
Eleven Things I’ve Done For Myself in 24 Hours.
1. I took a long bath with a sea salt scrub scented with vanilla and cinnamon that I made myself.
2. Read a good novel whose value is strictly pleasure.
3. I chose to eat some very healthy food, lots of veggies, vitamins and mangosteen juice!
4. I sat in the sun for 45 minutes on my patio.
5. I watched Oprah’s show. She’s always inspiring!
6. I slept nine hours.
7. I went to bed early.
8. I limited my time on the computer.
9. I limited my television time to a couple favorite shows.
10. I came up with a list of ways to break away for a couple days this month.
11. I ordered one my favorite Hawaiian Coco Mango lotions and shower gels from the Hyatt Kaanapali Spa on Maui.

I hope these will help each of you! What works for you when you need a good break?