Occasionally we all have a day that reminds us we are not in control and we might as well just sit back, take it all in and forget about the notion that every thing is going to work the way we would like it. Tonight was my night for that reminder. After a week of five visitors in my house, an over night trip to Disney, and several day excursions to the beach I was ready for a simple, quiet evening. Some one up stairs was laughing at the very notion.

It all started out simple enough… isn’t that always the case? I’m just shaking my head, after the whole thing is said and done what else is there to do? After driving back from an over night Disney trip I was tired and ready for some relaxation. After cleaning the guest room and changing the sheets and towels I settled down for a nap. All clear on the home front, nap accomplished and the world seemed in order….ha ha..ha…

I got up to make dinner for my remaining relatives; down to two from five! I decide to grill some meat and make some baked french fries and veggies. It seemed simple enough and things appeared to be moving right along. That is until I tried to light the grill. One of my visitors who is now flying home didn’t completely turn off my gas grill a few days ago and all the propane escaped. Thankfully I have a small weber and the tank only holds 14 oz.

We are now in dinner crisis mode…the baked fries are in the oven, I am ready to cook the meat and we have no propane. Sears where I got the original three canisters is a half hour round trip in rush hour Friday night traffic. How many options do I have? I try calling Target and Home Depot, after at least an 8 min wait for both stores I still have NO ONE answering at the garden dept. I hang up pissed and frustrated. I pull out the carryout menu’s and tell my relatives start thinking about what you would like to eat in the event I can’t find propane at Home Depot. I get in the jeep and head to Home Depot; thankful it’s two blocks away from my home.

I am nearly gleeful, Home Depot has the small canisters of propane. I feel mildly successful and head home, ready to cook. The success lasts about as long as it takes to drive home. In my absence one of my cats has decided to counter surf for some food and has nibbled on the raw chicken brauts and burgers. Now I am really pissed. In the process I upset my grandmother with my angst and irritation. She is now feeling bad and goes up stairs to be alone. I sigh and wonder how much more complicated can it become?

I talk to my cousin, consider dinner options and then head upstairs to talk to grandma. I apologize I tell her I can’t take away the fact that I upset her or that the cat decided to try out our main course waiting to be cooked. This at least generates a smile. So I tell her again I am sorry and ask her what she would like to eat. The three of us eventually decide upon pizza and I get back in the jeep to head for the pizza parlor for our carry out.

When it was all said and done, we had dinner at least an hour and a half later than planned and I struggled to manage my house hold crisis but we survived and it was a very clear reminder to just go with the flow and realize we are not always in control of our lives.